Whom did God address at the baptism of Jesus?

 The tablet quoted below states that there is a contradiction in how God stated who Jesus was.

Answers :
 1.The evangelists when they penned it were not contradicting each other either way because , it does not say  Jesus is not a son and Jesus is the son. There is no contradiction here . The message is the same and it will be understood the same way , whether it is potrayed as addressing the people or addressing Jesus . The point would have reached home to the audience that Jesus is the Son of God. Quoting this as a contradiction defies the defines of a contradiction because the authors aim was giving the message that Jesus is the Son of God as told by God himself. Either way it has the same theological weight and drives home the message.

2.Another possibility is the fact that scribal errors while copying the manuscripts which could have resulted in this alteration. Since this is infact not a contradiction at all as it conveys the message , it is not at all an issue. 

3.The Grammatical reason for the difference  Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary
17. And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is-Mark and Luke give it in the direct form, "Thou art." (Mr 1:11; Lu 3:22).
 The way the authors chose to transmit the same message may vary because of  the speech they wanted to choose. Direct speech in Mark and Luke or indirect speech in Matthew.

4.   Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
And there came a voice from heaven,.... What the Jews call "Bath Kol", saying,
thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: it is in Matthew, "this is my beloved Son", Matthew 3:17; as if the words were spoken to others, to John, the administrator of baptism to him, and to those that were spectators; directing them to Christ, on whom the Spirit now descended, and testifying to them how great a person he was, how nearly related to God; how much he was the object of his love, and what a pleasure and delight he took in him; but here they are delivered as an immediate address to Christ himself, "thou art my beloved Son". Christ, as he was the only begotten Son of God from eternity, so his filiation was owned and declared to him as early, Psalm 2:7. This therefore was not the first time, nor was it only for his sake that this was said unto him, but also for the sake of those that stood by:
So whether God addressed Jesus directly or not , the message is the same and does not constitute a contradiction because the message can be transmitted to others even in indirect speech as matthew did.

At his baptism, did God address Jesus directly?
Yes. No, God addressed those who witnessed his baptism.
Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22
Thou art my beloved son ....
Matthew 3:17
This is my beloved son .... 


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