Does the first law of thermodynamics contradict creation by God?

Atheist and non-theist have revived the argument on internet that the first law of thermodynamics contradicts creation.

What is the first law of thermodynamics? It says that "energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but changes/can be converted  from one form another". It is also called the law of conservation of mass and energy.

According to this law, energy cannot be created naturally inside the universe. Atheists use this to argue that energy cannot be created therefore it is eternal. This  may seem so superficially, but on careful investigation it turns out be bogus.

The law is not talking about whether energy is eternal or created. It is talking about the fact that we humans cannot create energy in this universe.

The Big Bang theory and the Singularity principle prove that the universe had a beginning and in the beginning all the energy was compressed into a 'dot'. So there was a finite amount of energy. In the initial condition called singularity the laws of physics were not existent. They cannot exist in the state of singularity and they would break down. The laws of physics are not eternal and came into existence only after the big bang. God created energy before the first law of thermodynamics came into existence. When universe started expanding the law of physics came into existence and the first law of thermodynamics applies only after that. Therefore the energy is not eternal, neither are the laws of physics. They all came into existence and they are finite. So is time.

Therefore when atheists, non- theists or pantheists try to use the 1st law of thermodynamics to disprove Christianity they are dishing you a wrong argument. 


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