
Showing posts from 2012

Can atheist even make moral judgements? ' The Morality delusion' of Skeptics

Skeptic answered : Does God forgive all sins?

Plato's arguments for God's existence

The argument for God from finetuning of the universe

The problem with argument against God from evil - 2

The problem with argument against God from evil - 1

Impact of Christ 1 - The story of Father Damien

Is Christianity rational ?

Whom did God address at the baptism of Jesus?

Rene Descarte's Two Arguments for God's existence

Answering Atheists - On the How of Virgin Birth

Argument for God's existence from contingency

Argument for God from time and contingency

The Argument from Objective Morality proves the existence of God

Understanding the Ontological argument for God's existence

Proofs for the Kalam Cosmological Argument

Contradiction clarified : The place where John Baptised

Matthew 3 : Skeptics' misunderstanding of the word "generation"

Prophecy 5: Nazarene Jesus

Prophecy 3: Recalled out of Egypt

Matthew 2: Mourning prophecy fulfilled

The New Linguistic Argument for the Existence of God

Contradiction clarified : Was Jesus in Egypt?

Prophecy 2 - The Place of Jesus' Birth - Bethlehem