Evaluating Atheism, Agnosticism and Scepticism

 Atheism is the denial of existence of God. Atheism by denying the existence of an infinite being, claims infinite knowledge and thus contradicts itself. The absence of God cannot be proved and so Atheism is not based on evidence. There is mounting scientific evidence for the presence of God from astronomy and biology, so much so that the once staunch atheist philosopher Anthony Flew became a theist. Their strongest objection against theism is the problem of Evil. Evil according to atheism contradicts a good and loving God. But this objection has been answered adequately by many theists. The response to this objection is this: Evil assumes a moral law required to distinguish between good and evil. A moral law assumes a moral law giver and that moral law giver is God. Therefore by affirming evil atheism affirms God and thus self-destructs. Atheism also been the cause of some of the largest genocides in history like the holocaust, genocides by communist regimes. Since Atheism does not provide a moral law which is absolute, objective and binding and also denies accountability to the moral law giver, it opens up the highway for heinous acts which could be committed without a shred of remorse. Atheism is neither supported by reason nor science. It is a faith based system, which is not supported by evidence because there is no evidence that God does not exist.
           On the outside agnosticism may appear to suspend the acceptance or rejection of belief. But it is a belief which claims it is impossible to know whether a belief system is true or false. The paradox of the agnosticism is this: ‘How do I know that I cannot know, if I cannot know whether I know?’. The claim that one cannot know anything about God is also a knowledge about God that he is unknowable and therefore self-contradicts. They also claim other characters of God like God has not revealed himself, he is not loving, not omnipotent etc. Thus agnosticism self-destructs.   

         Scepticism is a system of doubting every claim to knowledge and certainty but a true sceptic should doubt his doubting and stop doubting.  For many sceptics truth claims are just opinions and this also becomes just another opinion and self-destructs. Scepticism, agnosticism and atheism go hand in hand and are self-contradictory systems.


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